Under Construction This website has been under construction for quite some time, although mostly in my head. I have avoided it, dreamed about it, agonized over it and forgot it. Many times I would ask myself why don't I just get it done? Not understanding the process and being fairly computer illiterate, mixed with time constraints, I simply put it on a shelf for the "to do later" list. Now that it is finished, I am certain there will be forever changes, updates, and revisions. So, it will be a work in progress. LIfe is much like this process. Take a look at road construction. It never fails, just when you are late and need to be somewhere fast you see those orange barriers up ahead and start scrambling for your smart phone or GPS. We do not like to be delayed. But, if you really think about it, there will likely never be a time without road construction. There will never be perfect road conditions. House construction, repairs, remodeling is no different. My parents recently had their kitchen remodeled and what was suppose to take 4-5 days turned into 7 and then to "just a couple more". The highlight of their day was trying to decide who was going to leave the house to run errands. The next clear indicator of of how stressful this process was when they had to put beloved Spankey (family dog) on anti-anxiety medicine because he refused to come back in the house. No matter what road gets fixed or what house project gets complete there will always be something else that needs our attention. The leaky faucet, exterior paint, or new carpet threatens to shake our stable rountines and sense of normalcy. Counseling does this as well. It is a painful, stressful, arduous process. In fact, one could say we are all continuously "Under Construction". Paul says it best in Philippians 3:12-14. NIV "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing, I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Previously in this same passage, Paul basically says the key to life is "Knowing Christ." Nothing else matters. Credentials, accomplishments, all the things we generally take credit for or find happiness in all goes in the trash. "Rubbish" Trying to be perfect, following rules just doesn't cut it. Only righteousness found in knowing God. That he says this is what he will stay focused on and he encourages us to do the same. We can paint our houses, fix our kitchens, have better streets to drive on but if accomplishments, perfection, and completion is something that we have our eyes fixed on we will continously be disappointed. Even if repairing a broken marriage, helping a troubled son or daughter, or breaking an addiction is accomplished there will still be more to improve on. What is your goal? What is your drive or ambition? What are you eyes fixed upon? Will it really produce happiness, contentment, joy and peace?
Facing Depression In the Midst of Grief
Stages of Grief
Coping in Crisis
Happy New Year - Are your Ready?
Under Construction